Teacher Resources - How Lollipop Supports Your Classroom Curriculum!

Each "Adventures of Lollipop" comic is supported by educational themes and facts, including Geography, World Cultures, History, The Arts, and Science, making them a useful teaching tool in your elementary classroom! There are also many fun and educational classroom extension activities below that can support student learning!
Suggested Classroom Extension Activities for Students (These activities all support the Ontario Language Arts and The Arts (Visual Arts, Drama) Curriculum):
- Have students create their own cartoon characters and comic strips.
- Draw a comic strip or write a story about a country of your choice.
- Use comics to explore the different types of Text Features and how they are used.
- Write a letter to a friend about your adventures from the point of view of your favourite character.
- Write a letter to the author suggesting where Lollipop and her friends should travel to next and why (you can email your students' letters to Jennifer through this website and she will write back!).
- Act out one of the stories as a group and present it to the class (ie Reader's Theatre).
- Write a retell or “book talk” about your favourite Lollipop story and present it to the class.
Suggested Classroom Extension Activities for Students (These activities all support the Ontario Language Arts and The Arts (Visual Arts, Drama) Curriculum):
- Have students create their own cartoon characters and comic strips.
- Draw a comic strip or write a story about a country of your choice.
- Use comics to explore the different types of Text Features and how they are used.
- Write a letter to a friend about your adventures from the point of view of your favourite character.
- Write a letter to the author suggesting where Lollipop and her friends should travel to next and why (you can email your students' letters to Jennifer through this website and she will write back!).
- Act out one of the stories as a group and present it to the class (ie Reader's Theatre).
- Write a retell or “book talk” about your favourite Lollipop story and present it to the class.